Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Mangroves are not only for their natural ability to prevent coastal erosion and activity as a nursery for young fries of fishes ,prawn and other marine creatures.Man has been using materials gather from mangroves to create tools and equipment to help in their daily live

1.Sand Pit

2.Fish Tail Leaves

     The root of Mangroves Trees take in salt water.The salt water is excreted on the leaf of the Mangroves Trees

3.Cicada-insect sound  are hear in Sungei Buloh Natural Reserve

 These are some images of the roots of the mangroves tree....

These branches are known as Sparse undergrowth.....

      Some undergrowth is dominated by graminoids with few shrubs. Pinegrass (Calamagrostis rubescens) and/or Geyer’s sedge (Carex geyeri) can appear with grouseberry in the subalpine zone. Pumice soils support grassy undergrowth of long-stolon sedge (C. inops), Idaho fescue (Festuca idahoensis) or western needlegrass (Stipa occidentalis). The latter two species may occur with bitterbrush or big sagebrush and other bunchgrass steppe species. Other nondominant indicator graminoids frequently encountered in this habitat are California oatgrass (Danthonia californica), blue wildrye (Elymus glaucus), Columbia brome (Bromus vulgaris) and oniongrass (Melica bulbosa). Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis), and bottlebrush squirreltail (Elymus elymoides) can be locally abundant where livestock grazing has persisted.

Can you spot??

Can you spot how many different types of Branches are there ?

If your answer is 2................... IT IS CORRECT !   the first 1 are all those small branches hanging around.. they are called liana... while the second 1 is those at the side of the trees... they are called Epiphyte :D

We found a special kind of branch

The small branches there are called Liana.....

Lianas are vines that begin life on the ground as small self-supporting shrubs and rely on other plants to reach the light-rich environment of the upper canopy. Because lianas use the architecture of other plants for support, they devote relatively little to structural support and instead allocate more resources to leaf production and stem/root elongation for rapid growth. Since lianas are rooted throughout their lives (unlike other structural parasites like epiphytes and hemiepiphytes), they take nothing from the tree except support.

We also found many exotic animals...

4 in 1 :D

The white-collared kingfisher is a resident bird of Singapore and is often be found flying among the mangrove trees.
The monitor lizard is the largest lizard found in Singapore and can grow up to two meters. Another lizard found in Sungei Buloh is the changeable lizard, which blends well into the surrounding flora.
we managed to take of two mud skipper......